Scade family update - We're a Family of Five!

Arlo's here! (little late in posting this now. haha, but I figured its better late than never!) He took his sweet time coming as we went to 42weeks again, but he made it safe and sound.

I thought I'd be more prepared, more confident and more collected this third time around going into labor, but once again I was humbled by the strong little force of life that is a baby.  They just have a way of forcing you to take a step back and take notice of the fact, that as much as you think you're in control, in reality, we're just along for the fantastic ride.

I was extremely nervous to get an induction. I really wanted another natural birth and was worried I wouldn't be able to handle the intensity of Pitocin. In the end, I was able to handle it, and it all worked out for the best.  If you're interested I'm happy to chat about my birth story, but I'll save you the details here. Basically, I'm proud of my body and mind.. for all its ability to accomplish, but I'm also happy with modern technology and all it has to offer.

Arlo's already proved to be different from his siblings in a variety of ways. We love him dearly, and as hectic as the change from two to three kids has been, we're excited to be entering this new unchartered territory.

I wanted to share some special images we had captured during his 'birthday' by Nicole with NC Photography and a few from our family lifestyle session with Kelsy Neilson. Having these images to look back through is incredible. I love being brought back right into those emotional blurry moments. 

Thank you so much for all the well wishes we've received from everyone so far, it's heartwarming to know we have so many people excited along with us. :) 

-the Scades

Edmonton Birth Photography - Maeve

Photographing a birth at 41 weeks pregnant myself was not something I'd planned on doing. I'm planning to try and book a few more birth sessions this year, but only a few. :P They are extra hard to juggle when you have little kids at home. Being on call for about a month is so strange for me.. Its hard enough when its with my own birth! 

Anyways, I was thrilled to be able to make it for Maeve's entrance to our world.  I always feel so privilaged to be invited into such a sacred moment in a families life. 

Witnessing a couple work as a team and being reminded of how powerful our bodies are as women is something incredible to see, let alone photograph. There is so much to cature during this time, the time seems to stand still and fly by at the same time.

Congratulations on your beautiful little girl. She's the perfect sister for Rowan. 


Work life balance out the window!

photo by @kelsyneilson

photo by @kelsyneilson

Work-life balance isn't a new topic. There are copious amounts of articles out there discussing how to come to the magical point that. I've read too many to count. Each time I was a little more hopeful that I'll get there. It varies for each family, and it changes from month to month or year to year as dynamics change.  At this time with Arlo being so brand new, I'm genuinely trying to give myself a little break (not just say it along with all the other parents out there) and not feel too frustrated if I don't do as much as I'd like. I'm not going to try and find a balance. I just want to go with the flow and feel a little bit accomplished (regarding work).. and ENJOY my family time.  My kids are awesome. They are fun to be around, and I realized I don't want to keep setting up activities to keep them busy, so I can work.  I want to do the activities with them sometimes! 

I'm struggling with the concept of balance though, because I'm finding myself in such a fun and inspirational space with the kids. I want to put some extra effort into my Scade Photography work, even if I have barely any time. I have aspirations of blogging more frequently. Posts with helpful tips for family and wedding clients. I want to set up a collaboration with other creative people to make something fun... And on a more personal note, I want to print more of our digital images! SO MANY PRINTING PROJECTS are in my queue. I really need to practice what we preach!  It's lovely to be able to share images online, but I miss sitting down and turning the pages of a physical photo album!  

Screen Shot 2018-01-30 at 10.23.04 AM.png
Personal - January.jpg

So what's my plan?

I don't have one. I'm not a great planner. I know I work best when I'm inspired, and if I'm under pressure. I know that when its time to work, I can put my head down and get a crazy amount of things done. So by putting it out on the blog and through social media with friends and family, I'm hoping I'll use the pressure of your expectations to keep me going. I won't be sticking to a typical schedule. Instead, I'll try to ride a wave of energy when it comes. It might be during the kid's afternoon naps, or in the middle of the night, after nursing the baby.  I'm not going to feel guilty for going to bed with the kids at 8 pm or sleeping in until the kids wake me. I'll focus on keeping a small list of weekly tasks and practice diving into tackle some of it whenever I have the most energy to do so, Even if that means letting the kids destroy the basement playspace, having free range with the playdough or paint supplies or watching Netflix shows continuously! 

Follow along if you'd like, and please keep me on track with a message or two! Also, if you have any tips or tricks in this area feel free to share. Thanks!

-Stephanie Scade